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FINPRO Collection Management solution while working through SAP, enters all collection stages in the SAP system and provides the management of collection processes, cash flows and overdue receivables. 



• Customer-specific information such as payment records, payment information, contract maturity, collection amount and collection type are included in detail on customer cards. 


• Daily collection lists are created according to preferred adaptations and preferences. 


• The process is managed by entering information such as invoices, payment history, disputes, payment

schedule and promises, warnings and receivable proceedings. 


• Customer current account movements and balance information can be accessed from the cockpit. 


• All correspondence, warning processes, contact details are followed in digital environment on a     

customer basis. 


• Access to all postings in SAP is provided from a single platform.


• Tracking detail and user performance are easily reported. 


• Collection priorities are determined based on past information and notes. 


• Customers payment performance can be monitored. 


• It becomes easier to identify the collection risks of companies. 


• It guides the collection processes of overdue receivables. 


• Collection transactions are entered automatically in SAP. 


• It helps to increase collection performance and reduce workload. 

SAP Full Compliance
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Traceable and Transparent Collection Process
Adaptable Flexible Structure
Easy and Fast Use
  • How to install?
    Installation is done by uploading transport requests to the system. Implementation starts with the steps in the “adaptations” menu. In order to collect information on invoices, SAP SD, FI, MM configurations are examined and adapted and developed accordingly. Invoice designs of the customer are made.
  • Are all E-Invoice taxpayers seen in the system?
    All e-invoice taxpayers defined in the RA system are kept up-to-date in SAP. E-Invoice taxpayers can learn the taxpayer information reports of the current accounts defined in SAP. In addition, e-invoice sending scenario (basic/commercial) can be defined on both customer and invoice basis.
  • According to which criteria can incoming invoices be separated?
    On the selection screen, filtering by invoice header information (company code, invoice date, E-Invoice number, invoice confirmation step, etc.), filtering by invoice accounting status and by the addressee of the invoice (customer/vendor codes, TIN, etc.) features are available.
  • For what purpose is the incoming invoice confirmation screen used?
    Incoming invoices can be passed through internal approvals via this screen before the final approval is given by the Revenue Administration or the accounting process is performed.
  • Can we use it outside the SAP System?
    The solution runs through the SAP. When invoices that are created in an external system flow to SAP, they also fall into the cockpit. If invoices that are not transferred to SAP are requested to be dropped into the cockpit, appropriate integration work should be done.
  • Is integration possible with different module data in SAP?
    There are 3 modules in SAP that can produce invoices, namely SD, FI and MM. Invoices issued from these modules work as integrated into the system.


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